Clinical Consulting Services

Professional Supervision & Training

Behaviour Support Onboarding Course - now taking bookings for February 2025

We also pleased to offer a comprehensive 10 week (20 hour) onboarding course for emerging Behaviour Support Practitioners. This is conducted by our Director and Advanced/Specialist Behaviour Support Practitioner, Amy.

More information can be found in our prospectus at Behaviour Support Onboarding Course and you can find out more about Amy at

What is Professional Supervision and why is it important?

Professional supervision is a positive and enabling process that offers the opportunity to bring an employee and a skilled supervisor together to reflect on work practice. It is the process by which a worker can review and evaluate their work through discussion, report and observation with another worker.

What should you look for in a clinical supervisor?

Your supervisor should be somebody you feel comfortable with to reflect openly with about your professional practice. A good supervisor will be appropriately trained, receiving clinical supervision themselves, and be available and accessible to you on a regular basis. Most importantly, they should share your ethical values, have strong competency in their practice field and be able to value add to your knowledge, skill and confidence. You should leave every session feeling positively challenged, relieved, confident and hopeful for your future work. 

What can you expect from Banksia Professional Supervision services?
  • Attention is focused on developing practice-based knowledge, understanding and skills that will improve competence and the professional satisfaction of the supervision partners.
  •  Education is facilitated as a process of exploration and critical reflection aimed at supporting a better understanding of the supervisee as a practitioner, the impact they have and the knowledge, theories, values, and perspectives that can be applied to enhance the quality and outcomes of their practice.
  • Supervision entails both self-reflection and critical analysis as a Behaviour Support Clinician and examine dynamics and interactions at the interpersonal level as well as the broader impact of policy and structures in society.
  • Implications for practice are drawn from the new knowledge and understanding, which can be monitored and enhanced over time through the supervisory relationship.
  • Supervision is a space where Behaviour Support clinicians can become more aware of how their work is affecting them and, in turn, how their personal reactions and emotional state are impacting on practice.
  • Strategies to deal with such reactions and for self-care are identified.
  • Supervision is a place for encouragement and validation, working through personal-professional boundaries and recognition of circumstances when external personal assistance may be needed.
  • Supervision is a forum for reviewing practice alongside the policies and procedures of the employing organisation and the ethical and practice standards of Positive Behaviour Support within the NDIS.
  • Supervision assists to clarify the role and responsibilities of the Behaviour Support clinician in their practice context.
  • Linked to accountability are administrative activities such as managing workload for effective outcomes and attending to record keeping practice.
  • This function of supervision focuses largely on the organisational context of practice, but it also relates to the broader professional, inter-organisational, political, and legislative context of the field of practice with which Behaviour Support Practitioners are expected to engage.
  • At times, supervisors may take on a mediation role between the supervisee and these other systems. Through the process of supervision, good practice is further enhanced and strategies for resolving concerns, promoting compliance, and instigating systemic change may be identified.

Our clinical supervisors provide a supportive, educational, and therapeutic focus for you to explore and enhance your knowledge and skills as a therapist and improve the way you work with your clients. Our clinical supervisors are there to discuss cases, provide objective feedback, and offer guidance based on your personal and professional needs. Our approach is to grow opportunities for you to learn and practice skills and maximise your ability and feelings of competence at work.

How often should I have clinical supervision?

Good practice recommends that you have regular clinical supervision. Regular frequency means at least an hour a month, depending on the nature of your work. If your organisation is unable to fund regular monthly clinical supervision, regulatory requirements may require you to pay privately for this to ensure that your practice is of an ethical standard.

Please contact us at for more information.

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