Early Childhood Intervention and Support

Key Worker Model

A Key Worker focuses on combining a family’s expert knowledge of their child’s needs and family strengths, with their own understanding of and experience in child development and disability. You could think of them as being your ‘Main Therapist’.

Rather than taking your child to many different appointments with several different therapists, your Key Worker partners with you and your child by focusing on the relationship with you and your family and helps to consult with the other professionals as needed.

This is known as a ‘best -practice’ model and has been shown to have more positive outcomes for young children as it is more family-friendly and saves time, cost, energy, and stress.

At Banksia, your Key Workers are early childhood intervention specialists with disciplines in any of the following areas:

  • Occupational Therapist
  • Social Work
  • Speech Pathology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Special Education
  • Specialist Positive Behaviour Support. 

Our Key Workers will:

  1. Provide your family with information and advice to navigate services and access appropriate resources appropriate to your childs needs. 
  2. Offer opportunities and strategies to achieve your childs NDIS goals.
  3. Advocate for your child and family.
  4. Provide support to boost your parenting confidence, wellbeing and resilience.
  5. Coordinate your child’s services and therapeutic supports.
  6. Offer emotional support, parent coaching and mentoring.

Banksia Support Services encourages transdisciplinary practice, where a team of professionals from different disciplines work closely together and share information, ideas, techniques and strategies to offer individualised services to children and their families.

Your Banksia Key Worker can also work with people who are involved in supporting your child in other areas, including childcare, preschool, school, community activities, and is likely to have networks in the community which may benefit your child’s development.  

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